Friday, 24 December 2010


I know it is only Christmas Eve, but I highly doubt I'll be online tomorrow, so I thought I'd post this lovely festive version of one of the images from the 'Corrupted' graphic novel & spread the festive cheer early...


Sunday, 19 December 2010

First Look at the 'Corrupted' Graphic Novel

So a couple of weeks ago I revealed that I was doing a graphic novel to continue the story of James Abbot from my short film, Corrupted. I also posted a picture that I was mid way through inking.

Here is the finished version of that panel complete with a dialogue box:
I am currently working on several other images for the graphic novel, many of which are familiar to those of you who have seen the film, while some of them are completely new and follow the character's origins and the events that led him to the point where we were first introduced to him in the film.

The first chapter (which follows the story of the short film) should be completed soon, however I have done some rough sketches for future chapters and will start working on drawing them up soon.

Hope you like it.


Friday, 3 December 2010

I haven't blogged in a while....

Well, I'd just like to start by saying the final draft of the 'Nameless' script is complete, & is ready for printing as you can see in the picture above (although I am only showing the cover because no one likes spoilers). As you can see down the left side, there are a fair few scenes!

As I mentioned a little while ago, I am working a project which is going back to my roots. I've decided to turn my short film 'Corrupted' into a graphic novel & I will continue the story that way until I am able to film the feature length version of the film.

I have had the outlines drawn up on my Mac for a while, but I am finally getting round to "inking" (well, virtually inking) them, as you can see in the pic below (which is not yet finished by the way).
All I will need to do after "inking" is add the dialogue boxes, which I have constantly reminded myself to leave space for!

With any luck the 'Corrupted' graphic novel should be finished pretty soon at this rate & I'll start posting them on this blog. I have no idea when I'll start filming 'Nameless' as I have been pretty busy recently with uni & work, but I really hope it is soon, especially seeing as Lee has written most of the soundtrack already!


Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Giving the future its past...

I Haven't blogged in a while due to work etc. but I just had a random creative brainwave and have decided to incorporate the idea for the "Nameless" prequel into the main film. 
I will be changing its characters so it follows certain main characters already in the film instead of new ones. I felt the script for the prequel (which has been written now) had the most humanity and depth that I have ever written for a script, mainly because I have been incorporating various experiences and emotions I have felt when I was writing it, which is something I can't say I have really done before with my films (if you have seen them you will probably understand why).
The prequel story will now be included in a form of flashback, giving the film more of a non-linear structure and giving the characters and the dystopia more of a history. I felt when re-reading the script for "Nameless" that there was very little I could personally relate to with the characters, and I feel that with this film, which is very character driven, that the audience needs to form a sort of bond with the characters in order to make it work.
I have also had a plan for a teaser campaign for the film which I have discussed with Lee Carter, and once I have finished casting I will start to go ahead with this. Of course now I need to sort out an updated casting list due to how I am merging the two films together, but that shouldn't take long to do and then I plan to start filming soon after.

Saturday, 10 July 2010

I've been rather a rather busy Glenn...

Right, this past week has been rather busy, where do I start? Well, I went up to London with Suzi Peet and saw some of the stars at the Inception World Premiere... it was awesome! I got Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen Page and Tom Hardy's autographs, Suz and I got a picture taken with Tom Hardy, and we each got to take home a giant Inception poster from the barriers. I'm looking forward to seeing the film on it's opening day (16th July).

Other than that I have been rather busy working on some new projects, so here they are...

I was challenged a few weeks ago to write a film with a romantic plot or sub-plot in it... but I will say this much now, it will NOT be a "rom-com". The romantic element is only a sub-plot, it is primarily an action film that works as a short prequel to Nameless, showing a young man's (not the protagonist in the film) journey as he signs on to become a soldier in the time that the regime has come to power, a choice which forces him to leave behind everything and everyone he knows and loves. So far I have a bullet point draft of this story and will begin writing the script (which shouldn't be much longer than my script for Vengeful Retribution) shortly.

The second project is something that I feel is a return to my roots (anyone who knew me from primary school or before I picked up a video camera will probably be able to guess what that means). Originally the story for Corrupted was supposed to be somewhat longer, with the short film which I recently made and submitted to Virgin Media Shorts working as both a short film in its own right, or the opening 2 minutes of a much larger film. However, the story I would love to tell is quite hard for me to make as a film with no budget to hire in people to work on certain effects or to help achieve certain stunts.
So I have decided to continue telling the story, but it won't be done as a film. I am still keeping this project close to my chest for now.
Lee Carter said yesterday he would be up for reprising his role as the detective, James Abbot.

My friend, Stefan Cato, and I have also talked about a collaboration, he wanted to write a screenplay, and I have agreed to take his screenplay and make it into a film when he does, so I look forward to seeing what comes of this and reading the script when he writes it.


Sunday, 4 July 2010

Lee's Blog!

Well, I have mentioned the talented individual that is Lee Carter (who did the soundtracks for and acted in my past films) many times in my previous blogs, and I just thought I'd do a quick shoutout to let you know that he has finally decided to set up his own blog!

You can see the link to his blog under the followers section on this page or you can just follow this link that I've posted here:

Anyway, check it out, he's only posted one entry so far, but it is a good read and I'm sure the future entries will be just as interesting.


Friday, 25 June 2010

'Corrupted' is now online!

 Today 'Corrupted' went up on the internet!

Check it out on YouTube:

Or on the Virgin Media Shorts competition website:

I have also put up a photo log of the whole making-of process for 'Corrupted' on Facebook:!/album.php?aid=2058737&id=1022921613

Thanks once again to everyone who helped out and supported me. I couldn't have done this without you.


Thursday, 24 June 2010

A Day Of Music...

Lee came round (actually, he is still here watching as I type this) with the song for the Virgin Media Shorts competition entry, Corrupted. The song is called Lex Maiestas and really fits the mood of the film. Lee cut it into the film footage (which I had edited together yesterday) and we had a final finished version within an hour... this makes us happy.

So now we have finished the footage & the sound we just need to add the titles and then put the video into the format that Virgin Media have asked for.

Then we should upload it at some point in the very near future for your viewing pleasure.

Glenn (and Lee)

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

A Day Of Editing...

Well, after doing all of the filming in half a day I started the editing process. I finished the first cut of the film this morning and cutting in the voice-over. This first cut had a running time of 2 minutes 53 seconds, however I had to cut down the footage even further during the day in order to meet the time that the Virgin Media Shorts competition had set (2 minutes 20 seconds).

The film is now cut down to a running time of 2 minutes 19 seconds for the competition.

I then focused on adding effects to the footage, which I think works really well with the lighting setup that we used during the shoot to create the large, dramatic shadows that dominate the environment.

Lee Carter has also been working on the music for the film (as well as acting in it) and after our discussions about the film's genre and the sort of effect the music should create I am looking forward to hearing it and working with Lee soon to cut it into the film and fully create the film's atmosphere.

So the film is very close to completion, with only the music and the titles left to add (and I will probably do that by the end of the day), then I will submit it to the competition and put the competition cut (2:19) and maybe the original cut (2:53) on YouTube. Although I am personally starting to prefer the one that is cut down and slightly faster paced for the competition on YouTube, so it depends on whether or not I feel that the extra 34 seconds is important enough for me to upload both.


Tuesday, 22 June 2010

A Day of Filming...

Well, that's it, I just got back in from filming the final shots for the short film entry for the Virgin Media Shorts competition. We started at about half 12, filmed all of the interior shots, finished them at about half 6, then waited until it was dark to go and film the night-shots (which, given it being one of the longest days of the year, was quite a while, but we got it done) and finished them at about quarter past 11.

Lee Carter also had to wear a costume that involved him being completely clad head-to-toe in black on one of the hottest days of the year too... anyone would think we really didn't think this through! I'm also worried that Jake Collingwood may have caught some kind of disease from the amount of times we asked him to fall over in an alleyway in the middle of Gillingham that probably had broken glass and other fun items. These guys really seemed to suffer today, but they seemed to have fun... and we even sung along to "The Final Countdown" during one of our breaks! We recorded the voice-over yesterday too in RMGS's recording studio, which also went really well, so I have to say a huge thanks to Matt Ennis for his help recording that. And last, but by no means least, a giant thanks to my family for all of their support and help in setting this up (and to 2 of them for acting in it), seriously, I couldn't have done it without these guys.

I'll put up a couple of pictures once this film is near to being uploaded, so keep an eye out for them (they will go up on this blog first, and then on Facebook with my photo production log).

So now I sit here by my computer and face a night of solid editing, this should be fun...


Thursday, 10 June 2010


I haven't blogged in a while due to balancing revision for my A2 level exams with writing the script and doing the concept art for the short film for the Virgin Media competition.

I have just finished gathering together the bits for the main protagonist's costume today with the help from friends and family (thanks to everyone who helped) and then tried some screen tests and still photos to work out the lighting, angles and how it would be best to film the costume.

Lets just say I am very pleased with what I'm seeing in these screen tests, in one case a picture has turned out almost exactly like my concept art.

This means I should be able to start filming very soon and you should be able to see the film on the competition's website before 28th June (that's the deadline for entries).

I may also blog some stills from the times on set through to some from the finished project before I post it online so keep an eye out for them in the near future and let me know what you think.

Thanks again to everyone who has helped me out in any way and to anyone who is going to help out during the filming and for all of the support. I couldn't do this without you.


Sunday, 2 May 2010

Virgin Media Short Film Competition

Basically, I got a text this morning from one of my friends, Suzi Peet, saying about this competition and how I should enter it, then later on I got a Facebook message from another of my friends, Lisa Soennichsen, saying pretty much the same thing. So I've decided I'm going to enter this competition.

I have spent a lot of time today thinking of ideas for a short film that would fit 2 mins 20 secs (as that's the duration the short film has to be) and I have finally chosen one. I sent this idea to Suzi and then to Rachel Devlin a bit later on and both of them seemed to approve of it, so I aim to start making this soon. It shouldn't take long to make, seeing as it'll be almost 4 times shorter than Vengeful Retribution (which lasted about 8 minutes), and also because the final deadline for competition entries is noon on 28 June 2010.

I won't be blogging about any ideas for this project in case of  plagiarism (it is a competition after all), however I will blog when I've entered it on the Virgin Media Shorts website.


Thursday, 8 April 2010

Adversity Breeds Humanity...

Well, I haven't blogged on Nameless for a couple of weeks. Since I last blogged I have written the script for the first episode of a series of short stories that will coincide with the world of Nameless, focusing on individuals and their stories within the dystopia. These new protagonists will be new characters who may only be background roles or unseen in the film.

The first episode is moving into an unfamiliar territory that I've never really explored previously with my writing, and it has an ending that I hope will be shocking, gripping and saddening all at once. I'm quite excited about trying something new again and experimenting with the project.

Lee has sent me the latest song he's written for the film, called Adversity Breeds Humanity..., and I don't know how, but he's done it again! I heard the song and instantly pictured where it would fit into the film. He hasn't even read the script yet and seems to have caught the mood of the film instinctively with the songs he's written so far.

So it's no real surprise that I've asked Lee to help as a producer. We've decided that when the new term starts we will have weekly meetings to discuss music (obviously), the scripts for both the film and the series, and some ideas with regards to casting.


Friday, 2 April 2010

Vengeful Retribution is finally on YouTube!!!

Vengeful Retribution is now finally up on YouTube for you all to watch whilst munching on your chocolate this Easter holiday!

Hope you like it, happy Easter!


Saturday, 20 March 2010


This is some concept art I've drawn for Nameless. This basically is a rough idea for the costume that the "Hunters" (as they are currently being called in the script) will wear.

The basic idea is that they will be clad in black from head to foot so that no one can see them as they work from the shadows, the costume will show no sign of human flesh, and will therefore make the person in the costume completely unidentifiable (hence the lenses built into the masks that even cover their eyes). Speaking of the masks, I want the skull stencil so that anyone who does see them is immediately confronted with an image of death (the skull & hood is inspired by Death/The Grim Reaper etc.).

I will be posting more concept art as the process continues, along with pictures from the film shoot which should start soon, I really want to start filming the flashbacks now I have all of the "real-world" footage.

Hope you like it.


Wednesday, 10 March 2010

"Ladies & gentlemen, welcome to the future..."

I have been on a slight hiatus from blogging, but this has mainly been due to writing up the final script/story for Nameless. This has definitely been a long process, and the story has now changed quite significantly from the original draft I jotted down God-knows-how-long ago. But this process is drawing to a close now, and I have the final closing shot of the film in sight. It's a shot that, as I have said to Lee, "I will not stop working on until my gut tells me it's right". I am really quite pleased with it, and hope that it comes across well on film and that you enjoy it.

I have been gathering up footage of various, real-world changing events from places like YouTube, and have quite a large selection of clips to use now for the title sequence, which I was thinking would be in a way like the titles of the True Blood TV series, a montage of slightly grainy clips and flashing up images to create an idea of the world that the series takes place, however, I have different themes to set up for the dystopian world of Nameless, so I am merging real world events with the fictional ones to tie our real world to the one on screen, making it feel a bit more realistic whilst introducing the main themes in the film.

I've decided that some footage can actually be filmed now, despite the script being currently incomplete. I know that making his film will also be a long, ongoing process (I mean, if it took me this long to write a script I'm actually satisfied with, imagine how long it will take to make the thing!) So I will have to start it as soon as possible, which means I'll have the look and feel of the film sorted quite soon, and can sort out some promo pics of the cast soon to put up and give everyone an idea of what to expect.

I don't know how long it'll be before I get time to blog again, but hopefully the project will be well under-way by the time I do.


Saturday, 27 February 2010

A Day Of Rest...

Well, today I finally got a break from school-work today, having already done my essays/coursework and handing in a 77 page book to go with Vengeful Retribution for my Extended Project. So I decided to relax & work on my script for Nameless a bit more.

I genuinely feel sorry for Lee acting as the lead character, within the first 8 pages (which means approximately the first 8 minutes of film) he has to get chased across a field in the middle of the night from soldiers with dogs, get shot in the back, fall into a ditch and then climb over some razor-wire.

Obviously I will not be working with dogs, and the whole dog-attack issue will be implied, as will climbing over razor-wire, but you can get the idea of the sort of thing I'll be putting the actors through.

The script is really coming along now, I'm just tweaking various things as I think of them. I realised that as long as I don't do anything silly like writing in big explosions or something, that the entire story can be done quite easily as a film. The main thing I need are some tents, costumes (which I've mentioned before), and a few empty rooms, quiet streets & alleyways (and seeing as I've basically been writing about several locations I have seem, it really shouldn't be that hard).

As the script is so close to completion and Vengeful Retribution is almost completely out of the way now, I am aiming to start gathering up props and costumes and really hope to start filming some time in the near future.


Thursday, 25 February 2010


Well, as I mentioned in my last blog, I went away for a bit to Hollywood. It was awesome! Apart from seeing the sights & going round major studios (Sony, Warner Bros. & Universal) we did a one-day film-making course which was amazing, I got to direct in it & loved every second. Everyone on the trip was really nice & it was an extremely enjoyable experience.

It was also quite fun sitting by a pool at 6AM in the middle of February wearing a t-shirt & shorts in 70 degree heat whilst listening to Demons Of Razgriz & jotting down ideas for Nameless in my little notepad.

I don't think Lee had sent me Demons Of Razgriz the last time I blogged, but all I can say is "wow". Lee has written a 10 minute epic, & when I say "epic", I really mean it, if you listen to it whilst following the poem you can hear how it has been separated into 4 parts, just like the poem is into 4 stanzas, & how it fits the feel of the poem, whilst adding something to the mood I've been trying to create whilst writing Nameless... just wow.

Then came the return to the UK & school... yay.

Actually it hasn't been as bad as you'd expect, obviously there have been deadlines for work etc. but nothing too bad. I've been quite busy getting back into the school routine & editing things like the extended project & film studies, but seeing as I've been working on these for the past few months it hasn't been a problem, I've actually been able to tweak them whilst carrying on with writing Nameless & discussing more songs with Lee, who has said that some orchestration will be added to this soundtrack, something which me & him both seem to be looking forward to.

I also got some critical responses for Vengeful Retribution recently from people who weren't involved in the making of the film, here are some of them:

"The plot was well-thought out, and the film seemed as though it were professional. I particularly enjoyed the opening credits with the overdub of a police radio, which effectively created tension, grabbed my attention, and added authenticity to the film." - Coral Brown

"WHAT A TWIST!" - Stefan Cato

"I thought Glenn established a very convincing tone through his use of sound and his script, and I particularly enjoyed the innovative opening scene to the film." - Helena Roots

"Interesting and good use of camera angles. Editing was well put together and I would consider possibly buying a copy." - Dharyl Wilson

"The editing was amazing and it was almost as if it could be put straight onto the big screen!" - Nicole Broster

"Amazingly crafted art" - Daniel Coogan

I am actually amazed by these responses & am very happy that Vengeful Retribution was so well received, and would just like to give a huge thanks to everyone who helped work with me on it. I hope that Nameless can do just as well, if not better.


Tuesday, 9 February 2010

A bid farewell... for a couple of weeks

Well, I had to take a little break from blogging for a little while due to work and everything, but in that time quite a bit has happened, I've finished the concept art & have been working on the final version of the Nameless script (which basically involves me putting it into the proper layout on the proper screenwriting software & tweaking it a bit more). I will probably put up some pics of the concept art in the next blog or on Facebook or something...

Lee has also been busy working on writing & recording stuff for the soundtrack, he told me that Demons Of Razgriz has gone from 2 mins 30 secs to just over 7 mins with a bit more to add as an outro, which should be awesome. I can't wait to hear it.

I might not be blogging for a while due to preparing & going to Hollywood (which should be awesome), so I guess this is goodbye for a bit... I'll be back in a couple of weeks & will probably have lots of new ideas & Hollywood stories to write about...

Oh, & just after writing this, Lee sent me a text saying that Demons Of Razgriz has now gone up to 10 mins & he just needs to mix it.


Friday, 5 February 2010

Watching the world burn...

Well, I didn't post a blog last night, but I have good reason, & that reason is RAMMSTEIN! I saw them at Wembley Arena... it was one of the most incredible shows I have ever seen.

On the train journey beforehand, me & Lee were discussing Nameless, I filled him in on some of the key plot events & twists & turns of the story, and in return Lee told me about his ideas for another song called Bi-polar for the soundtrack.

Bi-polar seems to be living up to its name, Lee said that the feel of the music will range between soft acoustic stuff to more 'thrashy' riffs.

I have also started thinking of possible locations to film in, and I'll tell you this now, there will be none of the suburban feel that came through in parts of Vengeful Retribution, this film is its own monster, and the feel of the whole thing will be much bigger & much nastier.

I have almost recycled some ideas from an earlier script I wrote when I was about 15, which had the working title of Dark City (obviously the actual film Dark City did come out, so I wouldn't have used that name anyway). At the time I was young, & like most kids, did not understand limits & what was humanly possible to do on film. When you're a kid you feel like you could conquer the world if you wanted. I just wanted to write a huge action story! However, coming back to it with an older, more mature mind I have realised that even though some of the stuff that I wanted in Dark City was impossible, some of the shots I wanted in that film were so striking and some of the themes in there were powerful. So although the characters, setting and overall story for Nameless is completely different, those who read my script for Dark City will notice moments which are almost plucked out of that film.


Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Demons of Razgriz

As I mentioned before, Lee has thought up some ideas for the soundtrack for Nameless, & he told me that one of the ideas for a song stems from the ancient Japanese poem The Demon of Razgriz, he felt that some of the lines in it reflect various aspects of the main character's story throughout the film, & after seeing which lines Lee was referring to, I completely agree.

So here is the poem:

The Demon of Razgriz

(the Demon from the North Sea)

When history witnesses a great change Razgriz reveals itself, first as a dark demon
As a demon it uses it's power to rain death upon the land, and then it dies
However after a period of slumber Razgriz returns...

Amidst the eternal waves of time
From a ripple of change shall the storm rise
Out of the abyss peer the eyes of a demon
Behold the Razgriz, its wings of black sheath

The demon soars through dark skies
Fear and death trail its shadow beneath
Until men united wield a hallowed sabre
In final reckoning, the beast is slain

As the demon sleeps, man turns on man
His own blood and madness soon cover the earth
From the depths of despair awaken the Razgriz
Its raven wings ablaze in majestic light.

Lee's also text me today to say that he will be writing & recording it tomorrow, so I'm looking forward to hearing it & also wish him (& anyone else doing A2 Psychology) the best of luck with the Psychology exam tomorrow.


Monday, 1 February 2010

Happy February!

Well, at least it should be a happy February, mainly due to the fact that I'M GOING TO HOLLYWOOD! I actually can't wait!

A friend of mine, Piers, sent me a link to a site to stream Vengeful Retribution over the internet after I've done a screening in school, & I'm cutting together a minute long trailer at the moment to put on YouTube & advertise the live internet streamings (I'm thinking I might do one a night for about a week). Anyway, I'm looking more into the whole streaming thing before I put any info on the trailer.

I've had 2 home study frees today, so I've looked into getting the basic materials for the costumes for Nameless, but to be honest, I think that most of the cast will just have to wear some of their oldest & tattiest clothing, the only really costumes are for the uniform for members of the regime. The reason for this is that the members of the underground movement are just meant to be outcasts of society, and they practically do come from the underground, most of them are homeless, so they wouldn't be able to afford specially designed clothing. I just think it will give it a more real feel.

Anyway, as I said before, I'll have to start casting everyone before I can think of ordering in materials/anything else for the costumes, and before I do that I need to finish working on the script... good thing that I should have more frees tomorrow then!


Saturday, 30 January 2010

Today's events...

"Moon. Glorious moon. Full, fat, reddish moon, the night as light as day, the moonlight flooding down across the land and bringing joy, joy, joy." - Dexter Morgan

I couldn't help but use this quote from Dexter, it was the first thing that came to mind when I was in the car tonight and saw the full moon, seriously, it was probably the brightest & clearest I've ever seen, like someone had painted it in the sky...

Well, I haven't done anything creative today, but that's because I've been out & about instead, firstly I saw Avatar in 3D, which I personally liked, I couldn't help but think "if this is the future of film, then that's definitely where I want to be" I mean, the film was an art form in its own right, & although I know lots of people say that 3D is just a gimmick, but I really like it, it's weird, you expect everything to be flying out of the screen at you, but if anything, 3D just pulls you into the film, it does what it says, giving it another dimension. You feel as if you could stick your hand into the screen, almost like a pop-up book, I loved it.

After that we went on to the O2 Arena/Ravensbourne, & I realised just how close I'd be to the O2 if I went to Ravensbourne, seriously, it's the equivalent of walking from the 6th form block to the library at RMGS. Then we tried out the Chinese buffet at the O2, which I loved, I am now torn between 3 restaurants when I go there...

After that we went onto Bluewater, which isn't really as exciting as the other two places, I got some new jeans... how hardcore.

Anyway, I literally just got back in & having been inspired by the moon, I decided to start writing some lyrics for a song, & also found a little instrument tutorial thing on the MacBook, like interactive video lessons, so I might give them a go at some point, they look like fun... I just need to get my hands on an instrument first...


Thursday, 28 January 2010

A continuation...

Well, there's nothing really to add from yesterday, I'm finishing the eTMA for my Open University course that I started yesterday & am having to fight a huge writer's block in order to do so for tomorrow's deadline...

I showed Vengeful Retribution to my friend Suzi today & it got another good response, but I can't really keep showing it to people one by one (mainly because the sight of seeing the film so many times is actually driving me insane!) But then Rachel & I talked about having a screening & she suggested the last day before the February half term, so I will see who I can ask about that...


Wednesday, 27 January 2010

From this nothingness...

Well, today I have done NOTHING with regards to Nameless, mainly because I have been working on my final eTMA for my second Open University course.

It is a shame that things for the Open University can't be published etc. because I actually quite liked this one, it was a bit psychological & weird... actually, it was VERY psychological & weird, especially when I chucked in some surreal stuff.

Maybe I could expand & develop it, then I could make it into a short film, technically that's not breaking the rules if I'm only keeping the main concept & am changing a load...

Or maybe I should just let this story go to the Open University, hope it gets me a good grade & just leave it. I mean, I already have Nameless to keep me busy, & quite a few ideas for other things are already floating around in my head...

I think I'll probably store the idea away somewhere, maybe I'll dig it up later...


Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Breaking the silence...

I have very little to report about my part in the development of Nameless today, however, I have been talking to my friend Lee, who wrote & performed the soundtrack for Vengeful Retribution (as well as acting in it!) And he has informed me that he has some ideas for the soundtrack for Nameless (which he is also acting in, but with a much bigger role than in Vengeful Retribution... he's the lead male this time!)

I am not sure if he wants me to let you know his ideas just yet, but I can tell you that I am rather excited about the whole thing after hearing the ideas he's told me... they sound amazing & fit the themes in the film perfectly!

I know he will be reading this blog (seeing as he told me he reads my blog just this afternoon) so I would like to say a huge thanks to him for all of his help & I am looking forward to hearing some ideas once the exams are out of the way.

Speaking of exams, I'd like to say good luck to everyone doing exams at the moment, although I'm sure you'll all be fine.


Monday, 25 January 2010

As the night sky glows red...

Well, once again, I can't sleep, however I have been tweaking the script a bit more, as I mentioned in the last blog, I was thinking that the dictator/leader of the regime could be a woman, well, now they are, & I already have ideas of who I want to cast for that character... but that's top secret for now.

I just looked out of the window & noticed that the dark sky seems to be almost tinted red, maybe it's the street lights or something logical like that, but I think it looks cool, so I've got up a few pictures on Photoshop & am playing around with the colour settings again, this time however, I'm not doing the whole black & white with some colour thing that I used to be so fond of. This time I've decided to try turning some old pictures into my dystopia, just by playing around with various tools to give a different sort of atmosphere to the picture.

Another thing that's amused me tonight in particular, I said before that the characters in the story are almost evolving by themselves, & now I'm starting to realise why that may be. It's almost like the people I know in my personal life are creeping into the characters in my story & are sharing very similar traits! It would scare me if I didn't keep reminding myself that most of the time, I have to base characters on real people that I already know to make them seem believable, so it really isn't that shocking when they start to resemble the people I'm subconsciously basing them on. However it will probably make casting much easier further down the line!



Well, I think I have a working title for the film... Nameless.

Originally I had saved the script as "untitled" (default name), but then I realised that seeing as the society seemed to have stricken the characters of their names, emotions & anything that made them once human, that this name could be quite fitting to the story.

Another idea I had... why are dictators usually portrayed as evil old men? Why not have a female one? So lets just say that I've headed back to the script & am tweaking it a bit.


Sunday, 24 January 2010

In the shadows of the night...

Well, once again it's in the hour approaching midnight & I'm not feeling the slightest bit tired. If anything it's as if my brain has finally kicked in. I personally like the night though, the lack of sleep, it's when I start to think up half of my ideas for new stories or half of my lyrics, or when I sit up & just sketch endlessly.

Tonight it seems to be the latter, I've sketched a few pieces of concept art for my dystopia & am now working more on the characters & their costumes...

I might finish a first draft of the script after that depending on how long my brain chooses to stay active. The story has really come along since my first drafts, & somehow the characters have evolved almost by themselves. It has got to the point where I'm starting to think that I could pluck out any of the secondary characters & expand their story quite a bit... (spin off series maybe?)

Anyway, as it looks like I might be awake for a while, I think I'll continue sketching the costumes so I have ideas to work off & then maybe I can get the materials & do some screen tests soon. I think that screen tests might have to wait until the script is done though... best get to work then!



Well, this is my first blog, I guess I might as well introduce myself...

As you might guess from the title, my name is Glenn.

Basically there really isn't much to say about me, I know people like to post their thoughts & emotions on here, but I've never felt comfortable with expressing my emotions, so I guess this will just be a blog about the films I'm making, or the latest script I'm writing, or the latest art I've done, stuff like that...

So I'll begin...

Recently I've finished a short crime thriller movie called Vengeful Retribution, which seems to be getting some very good responses when I've shown it. I'll be organising a few screenings of it soon to an audience & some of the money from ticket sales will be donated to 'The Stroke Association', a charity which has recently been bought to my attention for various personal reasons over the last year.

Now I've finished Vengeful Retribution, I've started writing & doing concept art for my next project. I haven't named it yet (I always seem to do that AFTER I've got the story done) but I have started work on the script. As it is still a work in progress, I won't say too much about it yet, but I can definitely say that it is a dystopian, action movie, with a slight bit of a science-fiction element to it, and after writing and filming a crime thriller for so long, it is great to go back to a genre that has always interested me from a young age. Another thing I am excited about is working on a feature length film after doing shorts, I realised when I was writing the basic synopsis that this story was going to be too long to go into 10 minutes, so removing any time restraints has given me a real freedom to let my mind wonder...

I'll probably keep blogging about the latest updates to the new project, and soon I might even name it!
