Sunday, 2 May 2010

Virgin Media Short Film Competition

Basically, I got a text this morning from one of my friends, Suzi Peet, saying about this competition and how I should enter it, then later on I got a Facebook message from another of my friends, Lisa Soennichsen, saying pretty much the same thing. So I've decided I'm going to enter this competition.

I have spent a lot of time today thinking of ideas for a short film that would fit 2 mins 20 secs (as that's the duration the short film has to be) and I have finally chosen one. I sent this idea to Suzi and then to Rachel Devlin a bit later on and both of them seemed to approve of it, so I aim to start making this soon. It shouldn't take long to make, seeing as it'll be almost 4 times shorter than Vengeful Retribution (which lasted about 8 minutes), and also because the final deadline for competition entries is noon on 28 June 2010.

I won't be blogging about any ideas for this project in case of  plagiarism (it is a competition after all), however I will blog when I've entered it on the Virgin Media Shorts website.
