Friday, 25 June 2010

'Corrupted' is now online!

 Today 'Corrupted' went up on the internet!

Check it out on YouTube:

Or on the Virgin Media Shorts competition website:

I have also put up a photo log of the whole making-of process for 'Corrupted' on Facebook:!/album.php?aid=2058737&id=1022921613

Thanks once again to everyone who helped out and supported me. I couldn't have done this without you.


Thursday, 24 June 2010

A Day Of Music...

Lee came round (actually, he is still here watching as I type this) with the song for the Virgin Media Shorts competition entry, Corrupted. The song is called Lex Maiestas and really fits the mood of the film. Lee cut it into the film footage (which I had edited together yesterday) and we had a final finished version within an hour... this makes us happy.

So now we have finished the footage & the sound we just need to add the titles and then put the video into the format that Virgin Media have asked for.

Then we should upload it at some point in the very near future for your viewing pleasure.

Glenn (and Lee)

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

A Day Of Editing...

Well, after doing all of the filming in half a day I started the editing process. I finished the first cut of the film this morning and cutting in the voice-over. This first cut had a running time of 2 minutes 53 seconds, however I had to cut down the footage even further during the day in order to meet the time that the Virgin Media Shorts competition had set (2 minutes 20 seconds).

The film is now cut down to a running time of 2 minutes 19 seconds for the competition.

I then focused on adding effects to the footage, which I think works really well with the lighting setup that we used during the shoot to create the large, dramatic shadows that dominate the environment.

Lee Carter has also been working on the music for the film (as well as acting in it) and after our discussions about the film's genre and the sort of effect the music should create I am looking forward to hearing it and working with Lee soon to cut it into the film and fully create the film's atmosphere.

So the film is very close to completion, with only the music and the titles left to add (and I will probably do that by the end of the day), then I will submit it to the competition and put the competition cut (2:19) and maybe the original cut (2:53) on YouTube. Although I am personally starting to prefer the one that is cut down and slightly faster paced for the competition on YouTube, so it depends on whether or not I feel that the extra 34 seconds is important enough for me to upload both.


Tuesday, 22 June 2010

A Day of Filming...

Well, that's it, I just got back in from filming the final shots for the short film entry for the Virgin Media Shorts competition. We started at about half 12, filmed all of the interior shots, finished them at about half 6, then waited until it was dark to go and film the night-shots (which, given it being one of the longest days of the year, was quite a while, but we got it done) and finished them at about quarter past 11.

Lee Carter also had to wear a costume that involved him being completely clad head-to-toe in black on one of the hottest days of the year too... anyone would think we really didn't think this through! I'm also worried that Jake Collingwood may have caught some kind of disease from the amount of times we asked him to fall over in an alleyway in the middle of Gillingham that probably had broken glass and other fun items. These guys really seemed to suffer today, but they seemed to have fun... and we even sung along to "The Final Countdown" during one of our breaks! We recorded the voice-over yesterday too in RMGS's recording studio, which also went really well, so I have to say a huge thanks to Matt Ennis for his help recording that. And last, but by no means least, a giant thanks to my family for all of their support and help in setting this up (and to 2 of them for acting in it), seriously, I couldn't have done it without these guys.

I'll put up a couple of pictures once this film is near to being uploaded, so keep an eye out for them (they will go up on this blog first, and then on Facebook with my photo production log).

So now I sit here by my computer and face a night of solid editing, this should be fun...


Thursday, 10 June 2010


I haven't blogged in a while due to balancing revision for my A2 level exams with writing the script and doing the concept art for the short film for the Virgin Media competition.

I have just finished gathering together the bits for the main protagonist's costume today with the help from friends and family (thanks to everyone who helped) and then tried some screen tests and still photos to work out the lighting, angles and how it would be best to film the costume.

Lets just say I am very pleased with what I'm seeing in these screen tests, in one case a picture has turned out almost exactly like my concept art.

This means I should be able to start filming very soon and you should be able to see the film on the competition's website before 28th June (that's the deadline for entries).

I may also blog some stills from the times on set through to some from the finished project before I post it online so keep an eye out for them in the near future and let me know what you think.

Thanks again to everyone who has helped me out in any way and to anyone who is going to help out during the filming and for all of the support. I couldn't do this without you.
