Wednesday, 4 August 2010

Giving the future its past...

I Haven't blogged in a while due to work etc. but I just had a random creative brainwave and have decided to incorporate the idea for the "Nameless" prequel into the main film. 
I will be changing its characters so it follows certain main characters already in the film instead of new ones. I felt the script for the prequel (which has been written now) had the most humanity and depth that I have ever written for a script, mainly because I have been incorporating various experiences and emotions I have felt when I was writing it, which is something I can't say I have really done before with my films (if you have seen them you will probably understand why).
The prequel story will now be included in a form of flashback, giving the film more of a non-linear structure and giving the characters and the dystopia more of a history. I felt when re-reading the script for "Nameless" that there was very little I could personally relate to with the characters, and I feel that with this film, which is very character driven, that the audience needs to form a sort of bond with the characters in order to make it work.
I have also had a plan for a teaser campaign for the film which I have discussed with Lee Carter, and once I have finished casting I will start to go ahead with this. Of course now I need to sort out an updated casting list due to how I am merging the two films together, but that shouldn't take long to do and then I plan to start filming soon after.