Monday 10 October 2011

'Real Life Superhero' short film gets its own blog!

'Real Life Superhero is the story of a superhero living in a slightly 
dystopian world where the evil "Syndicate" kidnaps people with
superpowers and experiments on them in an attempt to create an
army of super-soldiers. The story follows a man called Simon, 
who races against time in an attempt to save his son, who he 
believes to have superpowers like him, from the Syndicate.'

So basically I'm going to be doing a fair bit of work on this script for a
uni project, and it would be great if I could end up making it. This blog
will atfirst be me talking about ideas and writing the script, but if it 
ends up going into production then this blog will soon become a
production log.

And here is the link to this blog:

Friday 15 July 2011

'Free Runners' video is on YouTube!

I mentioned in my last blog entry that I had made a short observational documentary about free running and that I would eventually get round to putting it online.

So here it is, hope you like it:

If the video above doesn't play then the YouTube link is below:

As far as the other projects are going I'm trying to write something which will be fairly easy to film around London with regards to the new Corrupted script and one of the other projects. Corrupted is near to completion (seeing as the main story was already written it wasn't that hard) so I will most likely start production on that first.


Monday 4 July 2011

Haven't blogged in over half a year...

Well technically that's not ENTIRELY true, I have been doing blogs for my work at Ravensbourne (the university I go to, for those who don't know). Uni work has pretty much been taking up most of my time, but that's not to say I haven't tried to keep working on some film ideas.

The scripts I've written have been either undergoing some major overhauls (more on that later) or have been expanded and worked on in my spare time. I've met some very talented and skilled people at Ravensbourne so if they wanted to help me make these films I'll be able to actually start production on them soon. I'll also try to get hold of some actors too as I've been given some very useful casting websites.

I've had to make a 2 and a half minute "observational documentary" for one of my uni projects recently, so I'll try putting that up online soon. I'm just trying to go over some of the things that were criticised when I showed it to my class at the moment (although it did seem to be well received overall). I chose to make a film about free running and wanted to get some first person perspectives from the free runners using my GoPro camera and head attachment (I wanted an effect along the lines of the Mirror's Edge game), I spliced this footage in with some third person footage shot on my Canon DSLR camera.

Basically this project also doubled up as an experiment for another film I wanted to make. I wanted to experiment with shooting free running & parkour as it is an element that's cropped up in some chase scenes for one of the films. I also wanted to see how well the first person footage would work to see if I could cut it into the chase scenes without it feeling too disorienting. I was very pleased with how the footage came out so expect to see some parkour style chases in one of my future films.

As I previously mentioned, one of the scripts is undergoing a major overhaul. I had the idea today to make the full version of Corrupted into a neo-noir set in 21st century London, rather than the 1930/1940s set noir that I'd originally planned. Obviously some small changes have been made due to obvious changes to the society and equipment we have today compared to in the 1930s, but the main essence of the story and the characters remain the same. Another reason for doing this is for convenience's sake really, as it is much harder to film something in a time period that we're not living in. However, as I said, I re-read the full script and realised that the character types that are present in the script are all present in today's society too.

Hopefully I should get the free running piece online soon and will get cracking with the update of Corrupted in the mean time along with a secret agent movie (which is currently untitled) that I've been writing for a while.


Friday 24 December 2010


I know it is only Christmas Eve, but I highly doubt I'll be online tomorrow, so I thought I'd post this lovely festive version of one of the images from the 'Corrupted' graphic novel & spread the festive cheer early...


Sunday 19 December 2010

First Look at the 'Corrupted' Graphic Novel

So a couple of weeks ago I revealed that I was doing a graphic novel to continue the story of James Abbot from my short film, Corrupted. I also posted a picture that I was mid way through inking.

Here is the finished version of that panel complete with a dialogue box:
I am currently working on several other images for the graphic novel, many of which are familiar to those of you who have seen the film, while some of them are completely new and follow the character's origins and the events that led him to the point where we were first introduced to him in the film.

The first chapter (which follows the story of the short film) should be completed soon, however I have done some rough sketches for future chapters and will start working on drawing them up soon.

Hope you like it.


Friday 3 December 2010

I haven't blogged in a while....

Well, I'd just like to start by saying the final draft of the 'Nameless' script is complete, & is ready for printing as you can see in the picture above (although I am only showing the cover because no one likes spoilers). As you can see down the left side, there are a fair few scenes!

As I mentioned a little while ago, I am working a project which is going back to my roots. I've decided to turn my short film 'Corrupted' into a graphic novel & I will continue the story that way until I am able to film the feature length version of the film.

I have had the outlines drawn up on my Mac for a while, but I am finally getting round to "inking" (well, virtually inking) them, as you can see in the pic below (which is not yet finished by the way).
All I will need to do after "inking" is add the dialogue boxes, which I have constantly reminded myself to leave space for!

With any luck the 'Corrupted' graphic novel should be finished pretty soon at this rate & I'll start posting them on this blog. I have no idea when I'll start filming 'Nameless' as I have been pretty busy recently with uni & work, but I really hope it is soon, especially seeing as Lee has written most of the soundtrack already!


Wednesday 4 August 2010

Giving the future its past...

I Haven't blogged in a while due to work etc. but I just had a random creative brainwave and have decided to incorporate the idea for the "Nameless" prequel into the main film. 
I will be changing its characters so it follows certain main characters already in the film instead of new ones. I felt the script for the prequel (which has been written now) had the most humanity and depth that I have ever written for a script, mainly because I have been incorporating various experiences and emotions I have felt when I was writing it, which is something I can't say I have really done before with my films (if you have seen them you will probably understand why).
The prequel story will now be included in a form of flashback, giving the film more of a non-linear structure and giving the characters and the dystopia more of a history. I felt when re-reading the script for "Nameless" that there was very little I could personally relate to with the characters, and I feel that with this film, which is very character driven, that the audience needs to form a sort of bond with the characters in order to make it work.
I have also had a plan for a teaser campaign for the film which I have discussed with Lee Carter, and once I have finished casting I will start to go ahead with this. Of course now I need to sort out an updated casting list due to how I am merging the two films together, but that shouldn't take long to do and then I plan to start filming soon after.